Mi Casa

Mi Casa Resource Center® recibe a pequeñas empresas minoritarias en DSW

Financial Services Training Graduation March 2020

Mi Casa Resource Center® and Denver Startup Week unite to host a panel of minority small business owners; draw attention to challenges, successes, and community support.

September 28,2021. DENVER – Mi Casa Resource Center® will present key points on minority-owned small businesses while hosting panelists with real-world experience during Denver Startup Week Spotlight event. Presentation and panel will call attention to both the needs and demands of small business ownership while raising awareness of the vital role that minority-owned small businesses play in the economy. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, October 6th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at The Commons on Champa, 1245 Champa St, Denver, CO. The event is hybrid, with the option of streaming through Denver Startup Week’s website or attending in person. Out of precaution of the emergence of the delta variant, seating can accommodate 50 people with social distancing measures in place. 

The panel will consist of Angeles Ortega, CEO of Mi Casa Resource Center®; Maria Tamayo, owner of Huitzi Solutions; Margarita Gonzalez, owner of MiniDwell; and Austin Dempers, owner of Warrior Womxn Collective. Each panelist will speak on their personal experience owning a business, navigating COVID, addressing challenges, ultimately finding success, and giving back to their communities. The builders of new business in the U.S. are women, people of color, and immigrants. Yet, they face large barriers to access. Mi Casa Resource Center® has helped entrepreneurs overcome these barriers in Colorado for over 45 years. 

Únete a nosotros mientras aumentamos la conciencia sobre nuestra comunidad de pequeñas empresas de propiedad de minorías. Habrá comida y bebidas disponibles para los asistentes. 

El apoyo principal para este evento ha sido proporcionado por Bank of America, Vectra Bank y AT&T. FirstBank también ha proporcionado apoyo adicional. 

About Denver Startup Week: Denver Startup Week is a celebration of everything entrepreneurial in Denver and the largest free event of its kind. In 2019, the eighth annual event brought over 20,000 people together with 359 programs and events to celebrate Denver’s thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and build the center city’s culture of innovation. The weeklong event is intended to unite the entrepreneurial community in Denver and beyond, and celebrate great companies, innovation, ideas, and people. Events throughout the week are organized by the community and our Organizing Committee. It includes sessions, presentations, panels, workshops, happy hours, celebratory events, a job fair, and more. 

About Mi Casa Resource Center®: Founded in 1976 by seven Denver-area mothers and one father, Mi Casa Resource Center® educates, trains, and supports youth and adults along career and business pathways to grow their income and achieve lasting economic success. Focused on supporting income growth and employment — self-employment, formal employment, and everything in between — Mi Casa Resource Center® provides training and tailored support to help people take the next step on the journey toward financial success. Learn more at MiCasaResourceCenter.org. 

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